Monday, June 24, 2013



If you know how much I love
Always make you fill in my prayers
I know this is not easy to be that you asked
Pasrahkan my heart, destiny right answer

If I'm not your ways
I stopped expecting
If I was created for you
I got you right, mate surely meet

If you know how much I love
Always make you fill in my prayers
I know this is not easy to be that you asked
Pasrahkan my heart, destiny right answer

If I'm not your ways
I stopped expecting
If I was created for you
I got you right, mate surely meet

If I (if I) is not your ways
I stopped expecting
If I was created for you
My right to have you

(if I'm not your ways)
I stopped expecting
If I was created for you
I got you right, mate surely meet



Saturday night without you
feels lonely ...
do not see your smile
it feels empty ...

Why ...
So fast you pass
So fast you meninggalkaku
While I really like you

But ...
This is not your fault
and also your will
Just be sure ...
Someday you'll come
and accompany in

Saturday my nights are lonely



You're far away, I'm restless
You're close, I'm embarrassed
You came, I hate
You go, I'm looking

That's love ...
Only he who knows our desires
Love is so warm in the hearts of people
So comfortable in talking
So wonderful for paint

But ...
Love also ruin everything
makes people frustrated and
attempted suicide

Oh love ...
If you can express

all the intention in your heart



Do not buried feelings,
If you're like me
Do not lie to yourself,
If you love me
Embodied sense your heart
Through behavior and tuturmu
Because of love ...

Need a real certainty



So why don't you go your way 
And I'll go mine 
Live your life, and I'll live mine 
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine 
Cause we're better off, separated 

Girl I know we had some good times 
It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye 
Girl you know I love you, I can't deny 
I can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I 
I know it hurts so much but it's best for us 
Somewhere along this windy road we lost the trust 
So I'll walk away so you don't have to see me cry 
It's killing me so, why don't you go 



When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down on your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down on your face
And I...

Tears stream down on your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down on your face
And I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you


Nena is watching the TV in the living room. She is going to have an examination tomorrow. Her mother is reminding her about it.

Mother        : Nena, I suppose that you are going to have an examination tomorrow.                               Why are you still watching the TV ?
Nena            : I will study in a few minutes, Mom. The film is good. I will regret to                      leave it.
Mother        : Is the movie more important than your future ?
Nena            : It will be over in a minute, Mom. Relax.
Mother        : Well, I’d like to ask you. What do you want to be in future ?
Nena            : I want to be a doctor, just like father.
Mother        : So, what is the main requirement to be a doctor ?
Nena            : Mmm…intelligent, maybe ?
Mother        : And how to get it ?
Nena            : Mmm…by studying. Mom, I think I have the capacity of being a                             doctor. Please don’t force me that way.
Mother        : I’m sorry, Nena. I think that’s a possibility for me to force you                            studying.

Nena            : Alright, I’m studying.


Penguin in the Park

Once a man was walking in the park when he came across a penguin.
He took him to a policeman and said, “I have just found this penguin. What shall I do?”
The policeman replied, “Take him to the zoo?”
The next day the policeman saw the same man in the same park and the man was still carrying the penguin with him. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked, “Why are you still carrying that penguin about? Didn’t you take it to the zoo?”

“I certainly did, “replied the man. It was a great idea because he really enjoyed it. So today I’m taking him to the movies!”



          Bingkuang, a symbol of Padang, is a kind of tropical fruit in Indonesia. It is not a seasonal fruit. This fruit grows underground. It is similar to potato but the difference is in growingit. With bingkuang, the pant’s flower seed is planted in the ground. Bingkuang has an off white skin. It has white flesh. The longer it is kept, the sweeter taste it will have. If the skin is damaged it will not rot easily. This fruit can help prevent stomach and colon disease. It can also help to lower body temperature if someone has fever. It can help make our skin soft and smooth. It is often used as ingredients of traditional food like rujak and sari buah.


 A Lion and a mouse

          A lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him when the mouse piteously entered, saying, “ If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.”
          The lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the lion was caught by hunters, who bound with him with strops to the ground. The mouse, recognizing his roar, came, gnawed the rope with his teeth, and set him free, axclaiming, “You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor ; now you know that it is possible for even a mouse to confer on a big lion.”

Friday, April 19, 2013

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

8. Minnie is planning to visit the exhibition. Jane is planning to visit the exhibition.
Answer : Either Minnie or Jane is planning to visit the exhibition.
10. Boy is not searching for those books. Bill is not searching for those books.
Answer : Not only Boy but also Bill is not searching for those books.
5. John can have tea, or John can have coffee.
Answer : Neither John can have tea nor coffee.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 TOEFL

excercise 1
8. Mary go to bed after she had drunk the medicines.
             A                     B    C     D
Answer : A
It should be went

excercise 2
8. Mary had to balanced her account very carefully because she had only
                           A                               B                              C
little money.
Answer : A. Balanced
It sould be : Balance

excercise 3
5. The examination will test your ability to understand spoken English, to
                                  A                                             B
readnon-technical language, and writing correctly.
                                                   C           D
Answer: C
It should be written

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Contoh Kalimat :
Wanita itu sedang menunggu suaminya pulang.
Perempuan itu sedang menunggu suaminya pulang.
Sandy mempunyai badan yang lebih besar dari pada adi.
Adi mempunyai badan yang lebih besar dari pada sandy.
Ibu memasak tahu goreng untuk makan malam.
Sofi Sudah tahu keadaan ibunya.
Ibu membeli sayuran di pasar.
Ibu membeli kangkung di pasar.
Mutiara adalah tangan kanan dari pak marjuki pemilik perusahaan X.
tangan kanan tMutiarai patah karena terjatuh dari motor.

Sunday, January 6, 2013



Kalimat efektif adalah kalimat yang dapat mewakili gagasan pembicara atau penulis serta dapat diterima maksudnya atau arti serta tujuannya seperti yang di maksud penulis atau pembicara. Kalimat efektif juga merupakan kalimat yang padat, singkat, jelas, lengkap, dan dapat menyampaikan informasi secara tepat.
·         Jelas : berarti mudah dipahami oleh pendengar atau pembaca.
·         Singkat : berarti hemat dalam pemakaian atau pemilihan kata-kata.
·         Tepat : berarti sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa yang berlaku.

Kalimat dikatakan efektif apabila berhasil menyampaikan pesan, gagasan, perasaan, maupun pemberitahuan sesuai dengan maksud si pembicara atau penulis.


1.    Karena ia tak diundang, dia tidak datang ke pesta itu.
Mestinya menghilangkan kata ia
Jadi, karena tak diundang, dia tidak datang ke pesta itu.

2.    Mira adalah gadis yang memakai baju warna merah.
Mestinya menggilangkan kata warna.
Jadi, Mira adalah gadis yang memakai baju merah.

3.    Jangan naik ke atas karena licin.
Mestinya menghilangkan kata ke atas.
Jadi, Jangan naik karena licin.


Kalimat tidak efektif adalah kalimat yang tidak memiliki atau mempunyai sifat-sifat yang terdapat pada kalimat efektif. Banyak hal yang menyebabkan kalimat tidak efektif, yaitu makna yang tidak logis, bentuk kata yang tidak sejajar, menggunakan subjek ganda, bentuk jamak yang di ulang, penggunaan kata depan yang tidak perlu, salah nalar, pengaruh bahasa daerah atau bahasa asing, dan kontaminasi atau keracunan.

Contoh :
1.     Kiki menonton film itu karena diketahui bahwa film tersebut bagus (tidak efektif).
- Kiki menonton film itu karena mengetahui bahwa film tersebut bagus (efektif).

2.    Novel itu saya sudah baca (tidak efektif).
- Saya sudah membaca novel itu (efektif).

3.    Para hadirin dimohon berdiri (tidak efektif).
- Hadirin kami mohon berdiri (efektif).

4.    Kepada siswa kelas VII-A dimohon berkumpul di aula (tidak efektif).
- Siswa kelas VII-A dimohon berkumpul di aula (efektif).

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Generalisasi adalah penalaran induktif dengan cara menarik kesimpulan secara umum berdasarkan sejumlah data. Jumlah data atau peristiwa khusus yang dikemukakan harus cukup dan dapat mewakili.

Contoh Paragraf Generalisasi :
Pemerintah telah menjadikan Pulau Komodo sebagai habitat pelestarian komodo. Di Ujung Kulon , pemerintah membuat cagar alam untuk pelestarian badak bercula satu. Selain  itu, sejumlah undang-undang dibuat untuk melindungi hewan langka dari incaran pemburu. Banyak cara yang telah dilakukan pemerintah untuk melestarikan hewan-hewan langka.

Analogi adalah penalaran dengan cara membandingkan dua hal yang banyak menandung persamaan. Dengan kesamaan tersebut dapatlah ditarik kesimpulannya. Paragraf analogi ini merupakan bagian paragraf induktif.

Contoh Paragraf Analogi :
Para atlet memiliki latihan fisik yang keras guna membentuk otot-otot yang kuat dan lentur. Demikian juga dengan tentara, mereka memerlukan fisik yang kuat untuk melindungi masyarakat. Keduanya juga membutuhkan mental yang teguh untuk bertanding ataupun melawan musuh-musuh di lapangan. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjadi atlet dan tentara harus memiliki fisik dan mental yang kuat.

Kausalitas adalah paragraf yang dimulai dengan mengemukakan fakta khusus yang menjadi sebab, dan sampai pada simpulan yang menjadi akibat.

Contoh Paragraf Kausalitas (sebab-akibat) :
Perkembangan media transmisi pengiriman data saat ini sangat pesat seperti perkembangan kabel. Pada awalnya media transmisi atau kabel sangat sedehana. Mulai dari kabel coaxial,UTP,dan yang termutakhir adalah kabel serat kaca atau fiber optic. Akibatnya teknologi pengeriman data semakin cepat dan mudah.